Mission statement

At Precision Prospecting AI, our mission is to revolutionize businesses’ lead generation efforts through cutting-edge technology. We strive to provide our clients with the most advanced AI solutions that target, engage, and convert high-value leads. Our goal is to maximize growth and increase conversions, empowering businesses to thrive in today’s competitive market.

Our Team

As a team of experts in AI and data analytics, we came together to build Precision Prospecting AI, a platform that empowers businesses to transform their lead generation efforts and achieve unprecedented growth.

Ross Day

As the founder Precision Prospecting AI, my expertise in business strategy and marketing drives our company towards success, constantly pushing boundaries and delivering exceptional results.

Jack Andersohn

As the CTO of Precision Prospecting AI, my expertise in artificial intelligence and data analytics provides the foundation for our revolutionary platform, delivering unparalleled lead generation and growth opportunities for our clients.

Tyler Hodes

With a natural ability to connect with people and a lively demeanor, I’m all about creating connections. My ability to engage aligns seamlessly with our mission to revolutionize businesses’ outreach, blending personable charm with cutting-edge technology.

Eric Toone

at Precision Prospecting, my superpower lies in connecting with people and understanding their motivations. I fearlessly convert strangers into advocates by appealing to their aspirations. With infectious enthusiasm, I rally our team around shared goals, nurturing high-quality leads to surpass revenue targets and make a positive impact through our services. Join me in my lead generation crusade! Together, let’s achieve sales success and bring people together.

Happy Customers​

Our AI-driven prospecting platform empowers businesses to unlock their full growth potential with unparalleled precision and efficiency.

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